Web Scraping with Python
Month 1: Introduction to Web Scraping
- What is Web Scraping and why is it useful?
- Basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Introduction to BeautifulSoup and Requests libraries
- How to parse HTML using Beautiful Soup
- Web Scraping Ethics and Legal issues
Month 2: Advanced Web Scraping Techniques
- Scraping Data from Dynamic Websites using Selenium
- Scraping Data from APIs and Web Services
- Using Regular Expressions for Scraping
- Scraping Data from Social Media Platforms
- Scraping Data from Multiple Pages and Pagination
Month 3: Applications of Web Scraping
- Storing Scraped Data in Databases
- Data Cleaning and Preparation using Pandas
- Visualizing Scraped Data using Matplotlib
- Building a Web Scraper for News Websites
- Building a Web Scraper for E-commerce Websites