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Computer Vision

Month 1: Introduction to OpenCV and Image Processing

  • Introduction to computer vision and its applications
  • Basics of image processing using Python and OpenCV
  • Image manipulation techniques: resizing, cropping, rotating, etc.
  • Image filtering techniques: Gaussian, median, bilateral, etc.
  • Edge detection techniques: Sobel, Canny, etc.
  • Thresholding techniques: binary, adaptive, Otsu’s, etc.

Month 2: Feature Extraction and Object Detection

  • Feature extraction techniques: SIFT, SURF, ORB, etc.
  • Object detection using Haar cascades and HOG descriptors
  • Object tracking using Kalman filter
  • Optical flow and motion analysis
  • Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction using stereo vision

Month 3: Advanced Computer Vision and Deep Learning

  • Introduction to deep learning for computer vision
  • Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification and object detection
  • Transfer learning and fine-tuning pre-trained models
  • Deep learning-based face detection and recognition
  • Real-time object detection using YOLOv3
  • Image segmentation using U-Net
Computer Vision